Iglesia católica de Santiago el Menor
Dirección postal: 269 W. 3rd St., Perris, Ca. 92570
Apartado Postal #669 Perris, Ca.
Dirección de la iglesia: 22190 Dunlap St., Perris, Ca. 92571
Oficina Parroquial Tel.#:951-657-2380
Horario:Lunes a Viernes
- 9:00 a 13:00 horas
- De 14:00 a 17:00 horas
Viernes solo medio día de 9 a 13 h.
Oficina de Educación Religiosa Tel:# : 951-940-5219
Horario:Martes a Viernes
- 9:00 a 13:00 horas
- De 14:00 a 17:00 horas

Welcome to St. James the Less Roman Catholic Church
Building a Sacred Community
Register to our flock notes and receive announcements and updates from our Parish directly to your email or text message.
Easy way to communicate with us! REGISTER HERE!

The capital campaign for the second phase building project has already started. The Parish Pastoral Center project has 11,000 square feet area with a cost of $350.00 per square foot. The total actual cost of the project is $3,850,000.00. Considering of the 30% of the projected inflation rate, the project will be $5,000,000.00

Asuntos pastorales

PRAYER REQUEST / Mass Intentions
Prayer changes everything. Prayer, at its heart, is an act of faith, asking God to step in and believing that He is both willing and able to listen to us. There is no prayer intention too large or too small — you can ask for God’s help with every need.
Mass intentions offering cut-off is every Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. for the coming Sunday Masses. Plan ahead!

Annulment Procedure
For annulment procedure, please contact Andrea Garcia, the annulment advocate in our Parish on Wednesday at 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm. @ 951-6572380
Para el procedimiento de anulación, comuníquese con Andrea García, la defensora de anulación en nuestra parroquia el miércoles de 2:00 pm a 5:00 pm. @ 951-6572380
Consiga nuestro Boletín
through www.parishonline.com
Reciba nuestro boletín por correo electrónico todas las semanas. Suscríbase en www.parishesonline.com. Busque la iglesia St. James the Less, Perris, Ca. 92570 en el localizador de parroquias y luego haga clic en Suscribirse.

22190 Dunlap St., Perris, Ca. 92571
Correo electrónico:
(951) 657-2380